If you can't find the answer to your question, write to support@hexlet.io
Explore other students' questions and answers on the project page in the Discussion section.
If you are studying on your own, you can also ask questions in the "Discussions" - another student or the Hexlet support team will answer.
If you're studying with a tutor, ask him.
You can also ask questions in our Slack community in the #hexlet-projects channel.
Automated tests check the project in a few minutes, and you see your results immediately. When working with a tutor, the additional review time is 2-3 days. If your tutor cannot meet this deadline, they will warn you.
You can complete a project at your own pace. We recommend completing the project 4 weeks in advance. The project must pass the autotests, or be accepted by a tutor if you are studying with a tutor
No. Projects can only be done in order, starting with the first. Only when the previous project has been accepted can you move on to the next.
Yes. Projects with an automatic test checker and linter can be taken if you are studying without a tutor.
The cost of the projects are already included in the tuition. There is no extra charge.
Projects simulate the workflow (setting a problem, finding a solution, implementation, and refactoring) and prepare you for real-world development. Read our article on why projects are important in learning - https://hexlet.io/blog/posts/anatomy-of-hexlet-projects.
Yes, of course. This is your personal project, published in your GitHub. Show it to employers and refer to it in your resume - it will be a serious advantage.